Specify options for a musicassessr test.
Specify options for a musicassessr test.
setup_pages = TRUE,
setup_options = setup_pages_options(),
app_name = "",
midi_file_playback = FALSE,
visual_notation = FALSE,
record_audio = TRUE,
midi_input = FALSE,
experiment_id = NULL,
experiment_condition_id = NULL,
user_id = NULL,
instrument_id = NULL,
get_p_id = FALSE,
asynchronous_api_mode = FALSE,
default_range = set_default_range("Piano"),
css = c("https://musicassessr.com/assets/css/style_songbird.css",
system.file("www/css/musicassessr.css", package = "musicassessr")),
username = NULL,
get_pid_prompt = shiny::tags$div(shiny::tags$h3("Choose an anonymous ID"),
shiny::tags$p("Use the first two letters of your first name, plus, in numbers, your month and year of birth."),
shiny::tags$p("For example, Mike, born in December 1900, would be ",
shiny::tags$em("mi121900"), ".")),
instrument = "Voice"
- setup_pages
Should there be setup pages?
- setup_options
Setup page options.
- app_name
App name for audio recording apps.
- midi_file_playback
Will MIDI files need to be played back?
- visual_notation
Will there be visual notation?
- record_audio
Is audio recording required?
- midi_input
Is MIDI input required?
- experiment_id
An experiment ID.
- experiment_condition_id
An experiment condition ID.
- user_id
A user ID.
- instrument_id
An instrument ID.
- get_p_id
Should a participant ID get collected at the beginning of the test?
- asynchronous_api_mode
Should async API mode be on?
- default_range
Should there be default range set?
- css
A css stylesheet to use (passes to psychTestR).
- username
Hardcode a username.
- get_pid_prompt
What prompt to you want to use for the get_p_id page?
- instrument
What instrument is the test using?