Present stimuli
Present stimuli
page_type = character(),
page_text = " ",
page_title = " ",
slide_length = numeric(),
answer_meta_data = character(),
get_answer = function(input, ...) {
stop("Specify a proper get_answer function if you're using present_stimuli with page_type")
save_answer = TRUE,
stimuli_reactive = FALSE,
midi_device = " ",
page_label = "x",
button_text = psychTestR::i18n("Next"),
play_button_text = psychTestR::i18n("Play"),
note_length = 0.5,
sound = "piano",
asChord = FALSE,
ascending = TRUE,
start_note = 0L,
end_note = "end",
durations = numeric(),
choices = character(),
user_rating = FALSE,
page_text_first = TRUE,
happy_with_response = FALSE,
attempts_left = 1L,
visual_music_notation_id = "sheet_music",
play_button_id = "playButton",
button_area_id = "button_area",
hideOnPlay = FALSE,
record_immediately = FALSE,
max_goes_forced = FALSE,
transpose_visual_notation = 0L,
clef = "auto",
volume = 1,
audio_playback_as_single_play_button = FALSE,
max_goes = 1L,
melody_no = 0L,
total_no_melodies = 0L,
show_progress = FALSE,
sheet_music_start_hidden = FALSE,
sound_only_first_melody_note = FALSE,
sheet_music_id = "sheet_music",
give_first_melody_note = FALSE,
slider_value = 5,
slider_min = 1,
slider_max = 10,
octave = 4,
volume_meter = FALSE,
volume_meter_type = "default",
show_sheet_music_after_record = FALSE,
interactive = FALSE,
show_record_button = FALSE,
trigger_start_of_stimulus_fun = wrap_js_fun_body("console.log('Stimulus started!');"),
trigger_end_of_stimulus_fun = wrap_js_fun_body("console.log('Stimulus finished!');"),
first_note_message = psychTestR::i18n("first_note_is"),
transposed_message = psychTestR::i18n("transposed"),
play_first_note_button_text = psychTestR::i18n("play_first_note"),
reactive_melody_no = FALSE,
mute_midi_playback = FALSE,
db_vars = NULL,
lowest_reading_note = NA,
lyrics = NULL,
feedback = FALSE,
asynchronous_api_mode = FALSE,
- trigger_start_of_stimulus_fun
A string of an anonymous Javascript function (with body) to trigger when the stimulus begins.
- trigger_end_of_stimulus_fun
A string of an anonymous Javascript function (with body) to trigger when the stimulus is completed.
- mute_midi_playback
Should MIDI audio feedback be muted on record_midi_pages?
- db_vars
Vars for the DB as a named list.
- asynchronous_api_mode