Page to record MIDI in psychTestR
Page to record MIDI in psychTestR
body = "",
label = "record_midi_page",
stimuli = NULL,
stimuli_reactive = FALSE,
page_text = " ",
page_title = " ",
interactive = FALSE,
get_answer = get_answer_midi,
answer_meta_data = tibble::tibble(),
record_button_text = psychTestR::i18n("Record"),
stop_button_text = psychTestR::i18n("Stop"),
record_duration = NULL,
on_complete = NULL,
save_answer = TRUE,
page_text_first = TRUE,
happy_with_response = FALSE,
attempts_left = NULL,
max_goes_forced = FALSE,
autoInstantiate = FALSE,
midi_device = "",
max_goes = 1,
show_progress = FALSE,
melody_no = 0,
total_no_melodies = 0,
volume_meter = FALSE,
volume_meter_type = "default",
show_sheet_music_after_record = FALSE,
show_record_button = TRUE,
reactive_melody_no = FALSE,
mute_midi_playback = FALSE,
db_vars = NULL,